Workshops > Logical Modeling of Biological Systems

1st International Workshop on Logical Modeling of Biological Systems (LMBS 2015)

Due to unforeseen reasons, we have to cancel the LMBS'2015 workshop. We are verry sorry for the inconvenience. 
If you are interested into the topic, we recommend you to have a look at the book published by Wiley in 2014 on this subject. 
If you come to CMSB'2015 and are willing to attend a workshop, we recommend you to have a look at the Bioss workshop


Recent advances in biology have allowed to draw a complete map of the genome of many organisms. At the same time, the development of DNA chips gave access to time-series gene expression of several thousand genes. Meanwhile, as the interactions occurs at different scales (genes, proteins, biochemical components, cells, etc.), it is necessary to build methods that formally deal with the biological data at a systemic level. In this context, the research around the so-called systems biology have increased. This discipline has emerged from the synergy between cell biology  and cybernetics, via active collaborations between biologists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists.
During the past decade, qualitative modeling have proven to be effective in treating many biological issues, such as the understanding of how biological systems evolve or whether certain statements are available.
The contribution of logical approaches to the modeling of biological systems has been recently emphasized in a book published by Wiley in 2014.
Based on (but not limited to) this work, the objective of the workshop is to highlight the benefits and challenges of logical modeling of biological systems, and to provide an open forum for collaboration between researchers from different fields.


The program will consist mainly of presentations of refereed papers and invited talks.
The call for paper targets contribution in the field of logical approaches designed to face the challenges aroused by biological systems. It aims at giving an overview of the cutting-edge approaches of logical modeling and analysis methods designed for biological systems, such as gene regulatory networks, signaling networks, metabolic pathways, molecular interaction or network dynamics. 
Topics of logical methods include, but are not limited to:
  • Boolean networks,
  • discrete or hybrid formalisms,
  • propositional logic,
  • first-order logic,
  • modal logics,
  • probabilistic logics,
  • logic programming, answer set programming,
  • constraint logic programming,
  • nonmonotonic reasoning,
  • abductive and inductive logic programming.


Submitted papers should describe original work that does not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings.
Papers should be written in English and be formatted according to the Springer Verlag LNCS style, which can be obtained from
Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files via EasyChair. The limit for submissions is 12 pages. Appendices will not not be counted in the page limit.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed and all accepted papers must be presented at the workshop.

The proceedings will be published electronically and at least gathered on arXiv as full volume.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: June 22nd, 2015 July 1st, 2015
  • Paper notification: August 1st, 2015
  • Camera-ready deadline: August 22nd, 2015  
  • Workshop: September 18th, 2015

Workshop co-chairs  

Program committee 


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